Why you should journal

Dear reader :)

In this article I give you my reasons why writing a journal and being consistent with it has many benefits. I will start with a comparison, so it gets clear why you miss out big time when not doing. Let's get right into it!

Did you ever realized that almost for everything there is an app. For each purpose you find a lots of varieties. Especially on our smartphones we use them daily and so frequently- it is impossible to imagine what we'd do if we didn’t had them. Every app we use collects every single information about us. Also if you surf in the web, every single step is recorded. It is the age of big data and information.

When you work, you track every work-step. You create a report which includes the whole development process and you examine what went wrong and what went right. When you work out you have a plan and track how many minutes you ran, how much weight you pushed and you keep record. In college you'll receive each year a full plan filled with details what will be covered. Much information in terms of which subjects, which syllabus you need and which chapter to learn. Everything is organized and well planned.

The "world" knows so much about you and all of that data won't disappear. The internet doesn't forget. You can google anything and almost travel back in time. Wouldn't it be great if you can do the same with yourself?

Do you have all important numbers and information for yourself?

Think about it that way: Who keeps track and thinks about you if you don't? Like no one. The right answer must be: YOU! And how do you do that? Most of the time people just have everything in their mind. Of course you know what you want and who your are---at least you think you know it. But this is not as powerful and efficient than if you sit down daily and try to write at least a half a page. Write about the most important thing in the world: YOU!

When was the last time you examined your behavior and feelings? When was the last time you decided to change something. When is the last time you have outgrown yourself? Probably in very young age. But as an adult we tend to not give so much weight to our inner self. So start collecting information and numbers about you and record yourself. Use your journal as your personal app.

Writing about yourself is for your inner self

Here are my top benefits of daily journaling:

Writing includes many different aspects. It starts with reporting and can go way deep in detail. These are the most important points. I will explain each with a few examples. Check the list:

  1. Keeps you on track
  2. Reflection purpose
  3. Detailed analysis of your behavior
  4. There is no right or wrong
  5. Clarifies your thinking
  6. Great preparation of the day head and your weekly goals
  7. The easiest way to wisdom
Journaling is a break from everything and calms down your soul.

1) Keeps you on track:

In this way you use your journal as a type of a calendar. You plan your upcoming week and set your goals and crush them. By the end of the week you can see clearly which ones were achieved or what has to be done better. If you have included long term goals, then you can check easily if you are still on the right path. You will see a change (or not) and when the results are not as good as imagined you can just adjust your way.

2) Reflection Purpose

Self-examination is a crucial point if you want to become a better human. Don't be too harsh with yourself. But with an honest look you will get the best out of you. It is constant work and with a reflection once a week you can see how your thinking changes. How your thoughts influence your daily  routines and what you have to do to become the person you would like to be: the best version of yourself.

3) Detailed analysis of your behavior

Life is about You vs. You. Your journal is like having a best friend who knows you very well. No one knows more about you than you. No matter what is going on you know the truth. I'd like to quote Ryan Holiday from his book "stillness is the key", because he expresses this point very clear: "Putting your own thinking down on paper lets you see it from a distance". If you write for a while and you read it again something happens: You see yourself from outside. You can objectively judge yourself and you see mistakes / room for improvement or even in the best case level ups. Over a long period of time you can be pretty beware of how you behave. And if you have much information collected by adding day after day, then you gain power of knowledge  - it lets you change yourself.

4) There is no right or wrong

The journal is for the writer. Not the reader. There is and shouldn't be a reader. You can do it as you like to do it. There is no correct or right way. It is not about what you write, it is more about why you do it. Just doing it is the important part. You can do it daily or you can do it three times a week. It just helps you to get to know yourself better. It also helps creating an interesting life story. In my example, since I started journaling I want to make sure I have something cool to write. To write the same entry over and over agin gets boring. It type of forces me to do something crazy and different so when I look back after some time, I have something nice to read. I want a story for my life which gets me impressed. And everyday I am in charge and have the blessing to create it. Something I can be proud of. Remember: It's your life and you are the main character ;)

5) Clarifies your thinking

This is one of my favorite points on the list. To write an entry into my journal helps me to kinda reset my day. I can get everything from my chest and enjoy the feeling of freedom. Let the baggage and your thoughts go and fresh up your mind. Its like cleaning and organizing your desk. After one task is done you clean and finish the work. So everyday is a new day (wow, what a discovery). I mean every single day is important (please stop) and it is important to start fresh without thinking about the past or anything which annoyed you couple days ago. In this case writing is a great meditation exercise. It helps you focus on the things that really matter.

6) Preparation for the day ahead

This point is the little brother of point number 1. It seems very similar but it has one important difference: The preparation of the very next day gives you the why. It is the one thing which makes you want to get up and hop out of bed to tackle the very first task. That is why a clear preparation in form of a list which includes all tasks is essential for a successful day. Get as many done as possible and you will make big steps forward towards your goal.

7) The easiest way to wisdom

If you write daily then you start getting to know yourself pretty good. It is like listening to your own inner voice which is the real you (do not mix it up with your ego!). Talking to (or even with) your own voice leads to a higher understanding. It attaches you to the reality. The truth. You find your own way and you will follow yours.

I have a term which I always connect when I am dealing with wisdom or getting into a higher state of understanding: I call it "the three C's"

Clear Vision, Clear Mind, Cool Temper

When you journal, do me one favor: Do it BIG! Dream big and have a vision like nothing is impossible. Like you're in a fantasy world and some magic will make it happen. This type of entry you do once. It is a form of statement when you define your vision. An introduction to your journal like hey buddy get ready for a crazy ass story. You are about to witness it live. That is the first C.

New day new beginning crystal clear tasks set. What happened yesterday does not influence todays action. Just put you laser-focus on the execution and you won't feel any form of distraction, because your mind is clear. That is the second C.

A journey can get long. It can get ugly. It can get boring. But if you want to succeed you do it with pride. You don't loose control or freak out, because you know- it is part of the game. If you want to win, you must be able to loose. But that won't shake you anymore, cause you - you stay cool! That is the third C.

Yeah, that was it-- These are the benefits I see for myself when I journal. I really hope all the information and motivational stuff inbetween could give you some inspiration to start tracking your own thinking, becoming beware of yourself and to create an unforgettable life story. Wish you fun trying and all the best!

Enjoy life and bless up

Sahil :)