"The Solopreneur’s Secret": Relaxing After Work to Crush Your Side Hustle Goals

Learn how to decompress after work and recharge your energy to boost motivation for your side hustle, ensuring every hour counts toward your goals.

Relaxing after work is the key. The one extra hour of work will create your success story
Relaxing after work is the key. The one extra hour of work will create your success story

Hey friends :)

in today's article I want to talk about the importance of decompressing after work to channel your energy for the essential one extra hour of focused work for your own small business.

Without much introduction, let's dive in:

We all know the feeling: After a long day at work, you feel drained and exhausted, both mentally and physically. But if you're a solopreneur, you also know that the real hustle starts after your 9-to-5.
Building a small business takes time, effort, and dedication—even if it’s just one hour a day. However, jumping straight from your day job into your side hustle can lead to burnout. That's why it's crucial to decompress first, allowing yourself to recharge and find the motivation to tackle that extra hour with enthusiasm and creativity.

Why Decompressing is Key

Think of your mind as a battery. By the end of your workday, that battery is running low, and if you don't take the time to recharge it, your side hustle might suffer. Even worse: Most often procrastination kicks in and your mood pulls you straight to your couch.
On the other hand when you're relaxed, you're more focused, more creative, and far less likely to make mistakes. Plus, separating your day job from your personal project helps you mentally close one chapter before starting another. This isn’t just about taking a break—it’s about rebooting your energy and mindset for the second act of your day. Remember: Champions are made in over-time ;)

How to Unwind After Work

  1. Create a Transition Ritual
    The first step to relaxing after work is to create a simple ritual that signals to your brain that it's time to shift gears. It could be something as simple as a 10-minute walk around the block, a few minutes of deep breathing exercises, or my number one action when I get home: Changing out of your work clothes. The key is consistency—do it every day, and your brain will start to associate that activity with winding down.
  2. Indulge in a Quick Relaxation Activity
    Find something that genuinely relaxes you and fits into a short time frame. Whether it’s sipping a cup of herbal tea, reading a few pages of a book, or listening to your favorite music. Give yourself permission to enjoy this downtime. The idea is to switch off from work mode and into a state of relaxation.
  3. Stretch or Exercise
    Light stretching or a quick workout can work wonders in shaking off the stress of the day. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters and can help clear your mind before you dive into your small business tasks.
  4. Avoid Screen Overload
    After spending all day in front of a screen, it's important to give your eyes and mind a break. Try to avoid immediately jumping into social media or watching TV. Instead, choose an offline activity that lets you decompress fully before getting back to work. Sometimes it can be even a 20 min power nap.

Finding Motivation for Your Power Hour

Once you've had time to unwind, it's time to get motivated for that extra hour of work. I personally celebrate the moment before I start working, because I know that this extra hour will create my dream future. I feel lucky and blessed to work on my own personal project and this investment will be a huge benefit for my future self.

Here are 4 more useful tips:

  1. Remind Yourself of Your “Why”
    Why did you start your small business in the first place? Was it to gain financial independence, to pursue a passion, or to build something you can be proud of? Reconnecting with your core motivation can give you the push you need to keep going. Remember: This one hour will build your future success.
  2. Set a Small, Achievable Goal
    Don’t overwhelm yourself with a massive to-do list. Instead, pick one small, specific task to accomplish during your power hour. Whether it’s drafting a blog post, designing a logo, sending out emails, or editing a video. Completing a focused task will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward. Make sure to plan your tasks on your free day. In my case I plan out my whole week on Sundays. I make sure to have precisely defined what I am going to do on each day. This way you don't waste much time on thinking what to do and even more important: When you know what to do it is easier to start.
  3. Use a Timer
    Sometimes, the hardest part is just getting started. Set a timer for 60 minutes and commit to working until the alarm goes off. This creates a sense of urgency and can help you stay focused on the task at hand. Trust me: Based on my experience you will often get into a flow state, momentum - and you will work even more than 60 mins. Enjoy the feeling of creative natural outcomes!
  4. Celebrate Small Wins
    Every step you take is progress. After you’ve completed your power hour, take a moment to acknowledge what you’ve achieved. Celebrating these small victories will keep you motivated and remind you that you’re one step closer to your big dreams. Remember the power of the compound effect: "Rome was not built in one day, but they laid bricks everyday".

Conclusion: The Power of Balance

Balancing a full-time job with building your own business is no small feat, but it’s entirely possible with the right approach. The key is to prioritize your well-being, decompress after your workday, and approach your side hustle with renewed energy and motivation. Even one focused hour can bring you closer to your goals—so make it count. Everyday and every action is important and will create a beautiful big picture.

Let's go!
If you found these tips helpful and want more advice on balancing your career with your entrepreneurial dreams, subscribe to my blog so you don't miss any article! Let’s build something amazing together, one hour at a time!

I hope you enjoyed this article and got inspired to run the extra mile ;)

Enjoy life and bless up!

Sahil :)