Hey friends,

only three months are left in 2024! 😳 Time is flying so fast and without even realizing another year is 'bout to pass. Crazy, innit!?

Today I got something special for you! Little spoiler: A challenge which will help you to get the max out of the last three months and which will make you enter 2025 in boss mode 😎

Before we go into today's article let's do a quick check:

How was year so far?
Did you accomplish your goals?
Are you on track with your goals?
Feeling happy about yourself, or nah?

Think about it for a minute and reflect on those questions.

Well, for me this year was about the big things: In the last months a lotta things happened:
- I finished my 2 year course and became an e-commerce manager βœ…
- my little sister got married (we getting old, huh?)
- I started my first official 9 to 5 job as a marketing manager in a big company πŸ’―
- I turned 33 (!) 😳 (feeling like 21 tho hehe)

So, all good right?

It depends, of course everything is good, BUT in September I was so busy and didn't go to the gym once and didn't post much on my socials 😒 All my small business projects suffered. Brazy! A whole month passed because real life jobs came around and I lost track of my own stuff.

Getting back on track

To get back on track and making sure I start 2025 strong on top level, I thought the best would be to stay focused and extra committed in the last three months of 2024.

3 months are enough to change your whole life, vibe and situation and especially set the right direction for big goals.

Inspired by the 50 day challenge I did 2 years ago, I came up with idea to take it again to the next level: Let's do a hard 3 month challenge: The Q4 challenge.


October. November. December.
3 months fully focused.
Living only for your goals.
Going the extra mile on daily bases.
Hitting the gym consistently.
Implementing new habits.

This work ethic will make sure you enter 2025 in boss mode!


Here are my rules.
❗️Feel free to implement those which you can apply to your goals and add other rules which will help you to accomplish your goals.

  1. 4 times a week physical workout
  2. Do something for the first time (new skill or habit)
  3. Read 10 mins daily
  4. Meditate for 10 min after waking up
  5. Invest at least ONE hour for your small business project
  6. Go for a long walk once a week
  7. Journal daily

I will write a summary each week and report about how things went.

The "3-month rule" suggests that 90 days of disciplined focus can transform your habits and mindset. While it takes around 66 days to form a habit, the extra time reinforces consistency and solidifies positive change. By committing to this process, you create the foundation for long-term success, bringing you closer to your goals through sustained effort and discipline.

Detailed explanation of my rules

  1. Hitting the gym 4 times a week
    I want to continue my gym journey and for this goal I need to workout 4 times a week. It's rough with a 9 to 5 and small business, but you know health ist wealth. Of course I will also pay attention to my nutrition to build solid muscle πŸ’ͺ🏾
  2. Do something for the first time
    In my case it's boxing. To do something for the first time rewires your brain and it forces you to adapt your thinking. Also going to a boxing club is a social event and you practice with people who are way more experienced than you. Means the learning curve must be huge. Looking forward to it!
    In my 50 day challenge I tried drawing by the way. To play an instrument is still on my bucket list hehe- so try out something which you never did before and be creative with your choice- there is no right or wrong ;)
  3. Read 10 mins daily
    Lately I did not read at all :( To get back on this super profitable habit I am going to read for 10 mins while eating my breakfast in the morning. Probably I'm gon read something like "Atomic Habits" or something similar which helps to boost my discipline level.
  4. Meditate for 10 mins after waking up
    Meditating and stretching after in the morning helps you to get off the tiredness and gives you a smooth start for the day. So it's gon' be wake up, stretch and meditate. Breakfast and reading. What a perfect start!
  5. The famous one hour of extra work
    Yes, I know- coming home from work and then working again on your small business is really hard and far way from the dream, BUT: It is the most important hour of the day. Remember this hour will create your dream life!
  6. Go for a long walk once a week
    With such a tight and full schedule it is also important to relax and come down and escape the hustle. Going for a walk helps me to clear my mind and get off bad energy. Probably I will combine it with a nice coffee and friends.
  7. Journal daily
    That habit is the one with the biggest impact. I do it for almost 3 years now. Reporting every evening about how your day went will help you to understand your feelings and actions. You will recognize a pattern and it's gon' be easy to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Also it is a great memory for your future-self.

Now it's time to put in the work

Alright, without going too deep in theory - prepare for Q4 and get the job done!

You know what I always say: Talk is cheap. Walk the talk and grind hard my friend. I want to see you walk into 2025 in boss mode!

Enjoy life and bless up πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’―

Sahil :)