The One-Hour-Theory

The One-Hour-Theory
One hour of focused work is all you need to accomplish big and long term goals

Hey friends,

in this article I want to share with you my number 1 strategy which helped me a lot in terms of achieving my goals and getting amazing results.

The one-hour-theory made the impossible possible! Let's get into it:

The year 2023 started and I had my list with all my goals and dreams ready.
I started working on them super motivated, but after couple months I felt not happy how things went: The amount of work I was putting in was not getting the results I'd wish to have.

I was busy everyday and worked on my blog, shop, spices, cooking classes, mails, but it felt like there is no progress.

What went wrong?

After thinking about the problem and analyzing the situation I concluded that two things are causing the poor results and low level progress:
1. I got too many tasks in a way too unstructured order.
2. A way too spontaneous approach.

I mostly worked according to my mood randomly on one of my many things on my list.
The list is always packed with things to do and I just chose something I felt like doing.

So based on my feeling it was all good, because I'm being productive and working on one of my points of the list. Even on daily bases. I thought this must be a good system and that's why I must get good results. Even tough the task was accomplished the whole picture never got completed. It didn't feel like something big is building up and I'm getting closer to my goal.

What did I change:

First step: I have 4 to 5 main fields and built strict categories - I divided and seprated the tasks and put them in each specific category.

Example (based on my case):
1. Onlineshop
2. Cooking classes
3. Blog
4. Instagram
5. Personal stuff

  • I started planning each task as detailed as possible. Super precise and fine.
  • I avoid to work on two different categories on the same day.
  • I structured them in a way that each small task will add up and will create a "stair-effect".
The "stair effect" explained:
If you work on a project and you got diffrent fields with many different tasks to do, then order and work them in a coherent structure.
You need to build a corporate design (define colors, logo, fonts,), you need to do your taxes (alculate bills, sort invoices), or place new orders (buy material, manage stock).

These are three "different worlds". Make sure you work 3-4 times in a row on one department, than switching too often between the different fields.

Even tough you are busy and working on your tasks- if you are mxing all departments you will always have a feeling of no progress and no resutls.
A big project has unlimited tasks: A structured order helps to get a feeling of getting things done. The results will add up and make sense. If you constantly switch, it will feel like an endless loop of never ending tasks.

The one-hour-theory:

There are 2 Levels: The first one is the preparation and the second the execution.

In the preparation part you define the tasks and what you need to do.
Additionally you add a time to it - so when you do what. This clearness helps massively to get the task done on time and get it done completely.

In the second part, the execution, it's working with maximum focus on that one specific task. Time block this hour! No distractions. No phone call. No music. No nothing. Your mind and thoughts must be fully into the task.
Just. The. Work. Tunnel vision and pure execution.

Since the goal is divided into small steps , they will add up and build one complete picture.

With this strategy and approach you can accomplish soooo much.

This way I was able to increase sales and overall manage three side hustles at the same time.

The "stair effect" also helps to ride the wave of momentum.

Summary: How to improve work focus:

Here are some tips which help you to get the maximum out of that on hour:

  1. Split the task into small pieces
  2. Plan out exactly what you want to achieve
  3. Set the result before you start
  4. Make sure you prepare everything before starting the work
  5. Cut off distractions
  6. Make sure you only focus on the specific task

That's it. If you do this daily, then you get more done in this one hour, than in 4 hours of unstrucutred work full with distractions.

Always remember the "stair effect". To work on one field continously will help to increase the feeling of progress in a never ending process.

I hope this strategy helps you to get all your goals accomplished in 2024.

Keep grinding!

Enjoy life and blesss up
Sahil :)