Lessons learned in 2023

Yo what's up? What's good? :)
I hope you're doing well. The chapter 2023 is closed.

2024 has already started and to make this year better than the last one, I'd like to share with you all lessons and learnings based on situations and different events I made past year.

Without much introduction let's get into it:

1- Preparing the next day:

I came up with the "one-hour theory": If you work fully focused for one hour on your project, you will make huge steps forward. No matter how packed your day is- one hour of laser focus work is enough to make a difference.

The key is to plan out what you are going to do as precise and clear as possible. You must exactly know what steps to take and start executing.
I usually plan the day just the night before and it works amazingly. You don't waste time to think, it's just one hour and everyday you add something to the big picture.

2- Ask for help:

You can't do everything by yourself. When you get stuck and realize you don't find a solution (after research and investing enough effort and time), then look for help. Yes, it's called small business owner / solopreneuer, but that doens't mean you do all by yourself till the end. Also you and your project profit massively when someone more experienced and skilled helps you out. Ask for help and help others.

3- Winning includes fails and problems

When everything goes wrong, then you must realize that it's part of the game and part of life.

In September I flew to India to visit my relatives and family. When I missd my connecting flight the whole journey got stretched to 28 hours (!) instead of 18 hours. I touched down in Doha with a delay resulting in missing the flight to Kolkata. Alternative: Rush to the plane to Mumbai (3 hours flight)- wait for 8 hours and then fly to Kolkata, another 3 hour flight. What a stressful experience! I could choose between getting pissed and angry to complain or just realize I can't control it and right NOW life is happening.

When everything works like planned it's just a boring story. Problems and all the things which go wrong and not like planned make the story line interesting.

Even this delay was hella annoying, it made me feel alive. It broke the routine and made me realize this beautiful thing is life. I am happy and blessed to live it.

4- Always be prepared

In September I got a call from a TV channel- they needed a spice expert for a documentary about curry powder. I was super happy for this opportunity and agreed on the spot.

Now for me it was my first TV experience ever. The filming just took place a week after and the broadcast on TV and YouTube was in mid- October.

Honestly I tought just checking my webshop would be fine. I underestimated the potential of TV marketing: Once it was aired I got many many orders: No one knows this, but: I was not prepared at all! I didn't expect so many orders. I didn't have enough labels, not enough glasses. I printed labels and ordered glasses over night and thank god it went fine. All orders were sent out on time and customers were happy, but the lesson is: Always be prepared for the best case (and worst case). I thought cool a TV Interview, but I did not think about the impact and made the right decisions: "Better prepare in case people run down your webshop".

5- Actions get results. Not planning

Planning is essential, but the execution defines the direction. A day with no actions taken, won't get you any closer to your dream.

Put in the work and it will add up. Even if it's just a small thing it will contribute to the bigger picture. Time is not endless. Use it wisely and dont take things for granted.

Wirh your actions and doing you have major influence on your success and the outcome. Do what you can do and things you cant control- shizzle. Do your best, small steps add up and eventually it will work out.

6- Doing nothing is productive

9-5, gym, relationship, side hustle, friends, family- the daily life (even if all is going well) can be stressful and exhausting.

Without realizing my quality of work and output decreased. I get my stuff done (posting daily, reading, writing, gym), but it ain't top level quality.
With a packed life you tend to live on auto pilot and do your stuff as chores. Not paying attention to the details due to lack of time, concentration and stillness.

I became aware of this, when I took breaks and forgot all my tasks for couple days. I came back to work on my project and felt if I distance myself from my work from time to time I have a better understanding of the things. Just a clearer view on my projects and better sight and things.

If you're always fully in the project you can't see the results and status (big picture). You need to zoom out! How? Just take a break and relax.

Yup, that was 2023. I hope you can learn from my learnings and remember them, when you're in a similar situation.

I'm ready for 2024. Ready to make new mistakes to out-grow myself.

I wish you all the best and thanks for being part of my blog, community and thank you for your support! It means the world to me!

Enjoy life and bless up :)
