
Check out my delivery solution which all companies should use! Eco-friendly and sustainable.

There are many ways to deliver a package, but with my product I want to make a statement

Hey friends :)

this article will give you some insights about the delivery and how I came up with the best solution possible. Some delivery infos were already dropped in the packaging article, but never the less here you'll find some more detailed information. Let's go!

When starting an online shop it is clear that your product will be delivered to your customer.
In the "age of amazon" and "save the planet movements" there is only a tiny line between I want to be profitable and I want to be sustainable.  

After a lot of research and going through many different options I found the perfect inbetween solution. Profitable but sustainble as well.

Let me take you through the process:

When I started with the idea of selling spices I declared to myself that I want a sustainable and ecological friendly solution for the delivery system.

The glasses I use for packaging the spices can be reused. It's a practical package. Now I need to make sure that the delivery and packaging is also an optimized solution. I don't want to be like other negative examples like:

You order a small product. The carton is huge. Plus filled with a lot of filling material. Either too much paper, or even worse- plastic bubbles. The amount of wastage is crazy. The amount of wasted resources is crazy.

I want to do better.

You can't change the world. You can only change yourself.

Here was my chance to improve the world. The world or the ethics and moral of companies. By being a good example. I don't have a big influence on big companies and how they handle their delivery. But I am fully in charge of my company and I can choose the option.

I choose paper cartons as the container and as a filling material I found a great solution: Corn-Flips. They are 100 % ecological and bio. So the whole package is eco friendly. Check the pictures below to picture the idea :)

I was surprised how reasonable the price of both were.
Why don't more companies use corn-flips as filling material. Instead of wasting more and more paper and damaging forests, we could start using more corn-flips.

Use corn-flips and save trees.

I am pretty happy that I found such a cool way to send my spices. I hope more companies follow this example.

Alright, this was the story of how I came up with the delivery solution. I hope it could inspire you and it gives you some hope that not all businesses are greedy and selfish. No. I wanna make money. But in a good way. I want to make an impact and show the world that it is possible. To make money and run a successful business wihtout exploiting the environment or humans. That's my mission.

While writing the pragraph I feel super motivated, full with ambition and kinda getting the feeling of upcoming cravings after popcorn or a corncob. Hehe.
What about you :D ?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading the article. I see you in the next one!

Enjoy life and bless up :)
