Goal achievement hack: The power of having daily routines

The power of a daily routine is often underestimated. See how having clear routines lead to level ups and momentum achieving your goals.

Goal achievement hack: The power of having daily routines

Hey friends,

in todays article I want to break down the importance of having a daily routine and why having one is super crucial for achieving goals. Let's get right into it!

For a long time I thought having a (daily) routine means you are a grown ass boring adult and probably everyday is just the same. Having a routine means you are not flexible and if anything happens which is out of your plan you are lost and not capable of adjusting. Basically just being boring and your life is monotonous.

It took me a long time realizing that there is a difference between being boring and monotonous and actually being ahead of everyone else just by having a repetitive schedule / routine.

Create A Daily Routine You Can Be Proud Of

Having a routine means sticking to good habits. It means your actions should be all aligned towards your goal.

A great benefit from having repetitive routines is the clear structure. Once you've defined your goal and broke it down into small steps you only need to focus and execute.

So how do we build routines which help us achieve our goals?

It all starts with forming profitable habits which help us to become better. Which help us to get closer to our goal. Most importantly it starts with self-awareness: Many of us live life on autopilot- and don't even realize what they miss: Miss opportunities and chances and never experience their full potential.
But once you stop living on auto pilot and you execute conscious actions you will see how much more is possible. With a clear structured plan (routine) you do not have to think. All you really need is to direct and a smart updated version of your auto pilot day to day living. A kind of a version you can rely on and which will get you to your goal.

Imagine having such a routine mixed with good habits that all your goals you dream of get realized without any hard work. Without many hurdles. With a work ethic that lets obstacles disappear. With an attitude which screams "the win is just a matter of time".
Let me tell you: This way of attitude / way of living is possible. With the help of routines and habits controlled by discipline! Don't believe me? Let me give you an example on why daily routines will boost your goal outcomes:

Routines are like small waves

Having routines means you are riding on small little waves. A wave becomes more and more powerful with every other wave. Imagine the amount of power you need for every start for any goal you would like to achieve- It takes a lot to just get going. The very first step is always the most unsexy step in anything. Imagine taking this amount of power every single time-it will get exhausting pretty fast. It feels like starting from zero every single time. But if you are riding on small little waves you don't need much power to get going. All you need is to direct and manage the power which comes with the power of waves. It is like a small snowball- At first it is just a handful of snow, but once rolling it becomes bigger and bigger and it is not possible to stop the mass. All the energy adds up and becomes massive. You can picture the heaviness of a rolling wrecking snowball down the hill. Everything which stands in between gets crashed immediately. Nothing can stop this power!
I hope you get the image why routines and good productive habits form a great and solid base for success. The waves will ultimately turn into momentum. The highest form of productivity.

A daily routine is nothing else but a wave you ride on. It is like you keep continuing something than starting and ending without making any steps forward.

There are endless books for improving habits and routines. One I would love to recommend is "atomic habits" from James Clear. It became quite popular and it summarizes a lot of different methods and strategies on how to built sustainable quality routines. For more and detailed information about this topic this book is really great. Below you find the link.

I hope this article could inspire you a lil bit and you get the metaphorical comparison of routines and waves. Hope to see you having a productive time with great outcome and of course a wonderful start into the new year!

Enjoy life and bless up !

Sahil :)

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