Conscious Capitalism

An introduction into conscious money making and spending. How to use the power of money.

Conscious Capitalism
Conscious and ethical behavior: Give before you take and use the power of money 

Dear reader :)

In this article I briefly share my notion of conscious capitalism.

The basic notion of conscious capitalism is that a business should act responsible and ethical. Of course the goal of every business is to be economically profitable, but under which circumstances? What are the costs for high profits? How far can can one extend the limit?

Nowadays one gets the feeling that big companies are more powerful than governments. Money rules and the companies play in their own world. It became a dirty game in which only winning in terms of higher profits and more growth counts. No matter what and and no matter how many peoples life are affected negatively - most often to employees / workers and also to mother nature. I think most of you are familiar with this type of impression and you have a kinda negative picture in your mind. Even if not all companies and businesses have such an exploiting behavior, sadly most of them do.

To play on top level comes at a high cost

Let me present you an idea which always pops up in my mind when I am dreaming of big success and what may be possible if big amounts of money were available.

This basic idea can be adapted into normal life and will improve your notion in terms of conscious money making and spending.

Let's start really simple:

It starts with you and your spending habit. Be honest, right now you have more things than you actually need to live. Your fridge is probably most of the times full, you probably have more than three pair of shoes and your closet doesn't have any space for new clothes left. We can extend that list but you get the point. You have uncountable things and stuff and still it does not feel like you're rich, right? Well, you are. Compared to people who do not even have access to running water or electricity you are living like a king.

Give before you take

Now think about how you could change one's life if you first give before you take. Before copping the latest sneakers you donate a small amount to a charity institution. Before you buy the third variety of chips and drinks for your Netflix and Chill evening you get a homeless man a dinner. Again: You are living like a king- so before you spend you give. Because you got everything. More than enough. A king takes care of his fellows. So act like one.

Now this idea was applied to a regular normal life how most of us live. With very small amounts of money you can do something good. Let's see what happens when we enter the level of big money. Like a lot of money (what is a lot of money? different question)

Use the power of money for the good things in life

Imagine someone is spending 30 k for a Rolex. 30 k for a watch! To be honest I can not imagine how this feels like, but if I had the cash I would do the same thing.

I need to get rich so I can pull of this special effect and see what is possible!

But now get ready for the special effect: Before spending 30 k on a watch I would make sure I spend at least 15 k on something which helps people. Which makes the world to a better place. I would plant trees worth 15 k. I would built schools and supply books and different equipment for educational use.

The watch now costs 45 k. But I think if someone is able to spend 30 k he should have the responsibility to use the power wisely and for good thing. I mean you would not spend your very last money, probably you are able to afford another one soon, so why don't act unselfishly and help the society and use the power of money for good things.

"The luxury calculation"

I personally call it the "luxury calculation". If I am about to spend money on things I don't necessarily need I add up a kind of a tax. Because the price does not matter. What matters is the outcome and the impact and peoples life and more further on the world.

Appreciate what you have and buy luxuries at last. And if, put an extra tax on top of it and make sure you change the world in a positive way with the power of money.

Enjoy life and bless up

Sahil :)