Affirmations and their powerful influence

Find out why daily affirmations are essential for success and happiness

Daily affirmation is the key for great success
Daily affirmation is the key for great success 

Hey friends!

In todays article I want to outline the benefits of affirmations. I find this way of conscious positive thinking an amazing strategy for my mental health, well being and also achieving my goals.

First I'd like to define what affirmations are followed by a list of my top 7 benefits of (daily) affirmations.
As an extra bonus I collected some of my favourite quotes to affirm with during the day.

Have fun reading the article and I hope you find something for yourself which will improve your life quality.

Let's dive right into it!

What is an affirmation?

Affirmations are positive statements. They are sentences which help to reach into your subconscious mind. Affirmations can help to change your mind and beliefs when repeated often enough. They also boost your self-confidence. You could say affirmations are also a form of meditation and positive self-talk.

I would say it is one of the few things which does not have any negative aspect. There are many benefits. Let's have a look:

Why are they so important and why it is crucial do affirm once in a while (the often the better)? Affirmations empower your whole self. It is like a form of believing in yourself and stating it like a prove.

"What you think you attract"

I always emphasize to speak out loud your wishes. I don't say tell everybody. But just for yourself. Only for yourself- you should be able to speak out loud what you think and wish for. It is like let the universe know what is going on. State your wish- speak it out and claim it!

Don't forget: It is important to use affiramtions which suits best for your current life. Someone in college during exam period has different sentences / affirmations than someone who jsut started his first job after graduating. Someone who just started a side hustle has different affirmations than someone who just became a parent. Always remember to adapt your affirmations to your situation. Of course some general ones like "I am happy" apply to every situation, but there are also ones which are specific like "I wake up on time when I go to bed early" - I used this one in my last exam period. Just to keep myself aware to end my day on time, so I can wake up in the morning and start studying and be productive.

There are many advantages and benefits of practicing affirmations. Let me give you my top 7:

The TOP 7 benefits of practicing affirmations:

  1. Good Mood
    Affirmations are positive sentences / thoughts. Repeating them will help you to maintain a good mood and prevent you from going to deep into negative thoughts and vibez. #happyalldayeveryday
  2. Stress relieve and anxiety prevention
    When you repeat your favourite empowering thoughts you stay in your lane. Before you get lost in thoughts you can direct yourself back on track. You can always rely on the good energy and can hold on to it. This leads to a structre which feels secure and leaves no room for stress and anxiety.  
  3. Makes you optimistic
    Affirmations are like encouragements from you to yourself. It increases the amount of hope in yourself and abilities. "You are your best friend"- and continuous cheers help to keep your world optimistic.
  4. Self-Motivation
    When you want to achieve a goal or you need to be strong during tough times, then affirmations can work as self-motivation. They help you to stay strong and motivated. "You are your greatest supporter"- Take your favourite build up quotes and give yourself a good amount of motivation or in some cases of lackin' an ass kick. Be your own coach!
  5. Improves your self-esteem and self-belief
    Repeating good vibez / motivating quotes will strengthen your belief. Doing a lot of affirmations practice on daily bases will change your mindset. It will change your attitude and perspective towards yourself. Especially when your actions are in line with your thoughts you will hit another level / dimension of inner happiness and contentment. #nextstopnextlevel
  6. Gives routines / structure
    When included into daily, routine affirmations can give you a structure you can always rely on. It is like having couple sections during your day. You could affirm in the morning, in your lunch break, after work and before going to sleep. In each part you ground yourself back to your core belief and you can always make the most in every small chapter of your day.
  7. Clear focus and performance
    You keep your attention on the important things. It is like constantly reminding yourself on what is the good thing to think and what is the right thing to do. Regular affirming keeps you away from distractions. It can increase your level of concentration and this will lead to higher productivity and better performance. #bigresultsonly

Instructions- How to use affirmations:

Let me describe how I use affirmations to boost and improve my vibe during the day. Important: I just wanna give you an inspiration- there are many ways to do them, try different methods and ways to find out which version suits best for you. And one more thing: Always have fun and do not force it. The power should find you (damn, this was kinda super metaphorical). Anyway, let's go:

Most often I use 2-4 sentences to affirm for like 2-3 days before I change them. I often have my favorites- it's like when you discover a new song and you keep listening to it like crazy. Back to the practical part: In comparison to a lot of people I don't practice them in the mornings. If it's too early I am way to tired to feel the power, so the best time for me is after work / in the evenings. For me it feels like a nice ritual to close the day u know.

Another situation is when I wait in my car for the light to turn green. I try to use any moment to zoom out for couple seconds and remind myself that "I am great", "I will succeed" or "I am in control of my thoughts". Instead of wasting time while waiting or even worse getting angry why everything takes so long, I affirm. I practive gratitude.

I can only recommend to affirm and practice gratitude (the more the better). It is one of the cleanest and purest form of enlightment, contentment and finding inner happiness.

Start right now: My favorite quotes to affirm:

  1. I love myself just the way I AM
  2. I am unique and that's beautiful
  3. I am confident and powerful
  4. I can control my thoughts and change my reality
  5. My past is not a refelction of my future
  6. I will succeed today
  7. I control how I react
  8. I am blessed to see another day
  9. I am a hustler and I achieve my goals
  10. I take care of myself and my happiness
  11. I live my life under my rules and do what I want
  12. I am in charge

Alright! Feel inspired? Cool! I feel motivated when dealing with this topic.

Below I linked a book which I can highly recommend. I read it like 4 times and it helped me lot to find my balance and increase my performance. It goes hand in hand with the impact of affirmations and that's why I think it fits pretty well in this article. You can also check my book recommendation section- there you will find a more detailed summary. It's one of my favorite books and definitely worth a read!

*I get commissions for purchases through this link post.

That was it for todays article. Didn't thought that it will get this long, but I think it is pretty fascinating how your vibe change when you actually believe in affirmations and the power of the universe. Hope you liked it and it can improve your life!

Enjoy life and bless up!

Sahil :)