50 Day Challenge UPDATE 2

After 2 weeks into the challenge here are my current thoughts

50 Day Challenge UPDATE 2
After 14 days the hype feeling is gone

Aiight, 14 days done. I'm honest: The hype feeling is gone 😂😅

One phrase can describe my current feelings: Expectations vs. reality.

Like in the first update Imma give ya'll a lil summary and describe what went good and what went bad + what I feel about certain things. Let's go:

What's easy: The reading and writing are definitely the most easy and most comfortable rules to follow. I'm doing good with my journal habit and before going to sleep I read. I swear time flies while reading and most of the days I even read more than 30 mins, same goes with writing.

What's difficult: The 30 min daily drawing session. Yeah... is still not that much fun. I don't know. I expected / hoped for a little more joy while doing it, but it feels like I only like to draw when I'm in the mood. Which is not often I admit, but when, I really enjoy the moment and think "man I want to be better at drawing". But this particular skill seems not really important to me, so being consistent with it just feels difficult and like work. Sometimes I feel learning Spanish and study vocabulary would be more fun. And it would pay off in the next vacation. Maybe this is an idea for another challenge. Let's see how this drawing will go on in the next weeks.

What's not cool: Waking up at 8 is still not easy. I manage but have to force myself everyday. And I admit: The only good thing about waking up early is the moment of taking a nap in the day. Ain't nothing better than a nap! People who do the same know what I'm talking about! #powernap #siesta

Work out: Is going pretty good. Doing a lot at home. Has the advantage that I do a lot of different exercises than in the gym where I mostly only lift weights.

What's annoying: The biggest surprise is that the rule I was hyped about the most, now turns out to be the most annoying thing in the whole challenge: The daily vlog. Boooiii. There are different point of views to think about: I realized I am faaaar away from being mainstream. It starts with the choice of music and the video material itself. I only support videos / reels if you are comfortable with what you show. Most videos in that challenge people show how they dress up, make their bed, or even clean their room. All of those things I am not ready to show or not willing to post. For me in the first place it is about enjoyment and it has to have most importantly the (I call it)  "flex-effect". Something cool you know.  A lil braggy and showing off vibe. Like fvck normal.

I am busy 24/7 with normal stuff, so let me express myself with something out of the line

I feel like daily vlogs are type of boring. I mean on one hand of course- if you have a daily routine it is basically different day same things. But just to show how you execute your habits and stuff leads to there is no personality. There is no personal touch. Most videos are built the same way and have the same music. I admit in the beginning I found them cool, but once in the game and really dealing with it I am not a fan anymore. So since last Friday my daily vlogs are designed in my touch, my vibez. I'm honest: I don't know if I am going to continue to do them on daily bases. I feel like there is no value and it gets type of spammy. If there is anything to show which is new / exciting, then do it, otherwise leave it.

Aiight, week 2 is done. Kinda miss going for a drink btw but it's fine. I am really curious what my conclusion will look like by next week. Gotta stay strong and see ya!

Enjoy life and bless up!

Sahil :)